Friday, December 6, 2013

Princess-Peachie: My Inspiration in Lolita Fashion
This week for the Lolita Blog Carnival, we were asked to write about a person that inspires us in lolita fashion. Peachie is a super sweet 23 year old lolita from Scotland. She's one of the first lolitas I remember watching on YouTube and is still my #1 favorite YouTuber. It's her wardrobe and outfit videos that finally convinced me that my love for lolita lies in Sweet and not Gothic. Actually, the picture above was what inspired me to sell my black JSK to get myself a pink or sax dress

A video of several of her cute casual lolita outfits!

My favorite thing about Peachie is that her personality is even sweeter than the outfits she wears! The style greatly suits her in every way. Another thing is that she is a lolita with a wardrobe composed of 90% Bodyline items. She proves that you can look like a million bucks and not spend a lot if you can't. Not only that, but that Bodyline is a "brand" that makes loads of cute, quality items.

Now, a few of my favorite outfits~

I really hope one day I can become a lolita that is as adorable and stylish as her!

Who is your lolita inspiration?
Other cuties blogging about their inspirations: